Maria Paola Gamba
Business Analyst

Maria Paola comes from Tuscany. After gaining work experience in Pisa and Florence, she settled in Milan, where she’s lived for the past 5 years. Enthusiastic about everything new to her, she couldn’t be happier and more impressed by the world of Imagicle, a company that is constantly evolving in a world driven by progress. She understands progress as everything related to knowledge and human relationships, and these are the key areas where she wants to develop new interests and skills. She aims to support Imagicle’s growth by bringing with her the toolbox of experiences she’s accumulated over the years.

She’s an avid sports enthusiast, an animal and nature lover in all its forms. She enjoys hiking in the mountains during the summer and skiing in the winter. The sea is a valuable companion year-round. In her free time, you’ll often find her with her dachshund Mathilda, who has also moved in with her.

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