Bernardo Federigi Bernardo Federigi - 26 Gennaio, 2022 - 8 ’ read

Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite lands on Cisco GPL S+. An even easier purchase for customers.

Imagicle’s 2022 starts with a shiny milestone! As of February 3rd, Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite will be officially available on Cisco GPL S+, meaning that Cloud SW Subscriptions (SaaS) options will be available for all the Imagicle apps: Customer Service, Call Recording & Voice Analytics, Digital Fax, and more! Find out what this means for you in terms of purchase and flexibility.

Previously on Imagicle’s journey to the Clouds…

Two years ago, in 2020, our Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite launch kickstarted our journey to the Clouds. The goal was to ease up customers’ daily jobs and improve their productivity with a platform of services consumed directly from the Cloud worldwide, focusing on solutions’ security, connectivity, and performance.

Today, customers choose our Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite because of the beautiful apps inside – advanced Customer Service, Call Recording & Voice Analytics, Call Analytics, Digital Fax, and Hotel Services.

Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite lands on Cisco GPL S+. An even easier purchase for customers.

We’re talking about best-in-class UC apps and services to elevate the calling experience for users and customers: everything is available in One Suite, behind a single pane of glass that simplifies deployment, integrations, administration and security. Users can access Imagicle apps from IP phones, Cisco Webex, Cisco Jabber desktop-mobile clients, browsers, and mobile devices. A seamless, unified experience wherever their workplace and favorite tools are.

And to make your migration to the Cloud in a hybrid work model even smoother, we are now able to provide either a Cloud or Dedicated Cloud model, offering different levels of flexibility, several connection models (i.e., via Imagicle public SBC, VPN, SD-WAN, Equinix ECX), and local availability. Thanks to the Cloud model you can add all the missing features to your Cisco Webex, leveraging your existing PSTN lines and a simple OTT internet connection while adding elastic resources and unlimited data retention.

In short, by choosing the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, you will be choosing the great user experience and interfaces you’re used to, but with the added value of a Cloud infrastructure. A smart subscription offer – fully hosted, operated, monitored, backed up and updated by Imagicle – will save you the troubles of management, problem-solving, and maintenance and allow you to work anywhere with a high service level and a single, predictable, lower TCO. 

Learn more about Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite’s simplification capabilities in the dedicate article. 

New Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite Offer.

Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite meant many things. New products, new flexibility, new scalability to offer enterprise-grade UC to all companies. But as you all know or can imagine, 2 years in tech correspond to a whole decade in real life. 😉

In short, we felt it was time to expand the resonance of our Cloud offer, including distribution and accessibility to keep up with the expanding Cloud market, which sees Cisco at the forefront of evolution. And so, here it is!

A new Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite offer, even simpler, more predictable, and comfortable for customers and end-users.

Get knowledgeable and ace your Cloud deals.

Watch the dedicated webinar to know everything about the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite’s new offer:
apps included, pricing and licensing, and more!

What’s new in this offer?

New products and profiles, a renovated price list covering any need, a more immediate offer for both partners and customers based on the combination of a calling platform + apps subscription. Let’s see what’s included in detail:

  • Imagicle Attendant Console, complete with Advanced Queueing and Auto Attendant services, can work in hybrid environments and is fully compatible with Webex Calling multi-tenant and dedicated (former UCM Cloud), UCM, and HCSRead more about this disruptive integration (and the Imagicle gadgets for Webex) or visit our page on the Webex App Hub.
  • A new ally for Customer Service: Imagicle Manager Assistant, one of the last exclusive services included in the Suite, designed to improve cooperation between managers and assistants by simplifying call management delegation in an easy, agile, and scalable way.
  • Call Recording, allowing you to record any call you need in 3 recording modes, centralized across multiple devices, and fully compliant with security regulations such as GDPR, MiFID II, PCI-DSS, and HIPAA. Now complete with Voice Analytics, Imagicle brand new AI cloud-native service to analyze recorded voice calls through multilingual content transcription and sentiment analysis, already up and running in the Suite!
  • Contact Manager, designed to centralize and synchronize all your enterprise directories to manage them smoothly, find contacts in seconds wherever you are, and improve your call management with Click to Call and Caller ID features.
  • Digital Fax, a 100% serverless and paperless virtual fax server solution that allows you to handle faxes just like emails, fastly and seamlessly, but with enhanced security and compliance and with the officiality of a fax document.
  • Call Analytics, our solution aimed at helping you monitor phone traffic, allocate budget and resources across your company, optimize device adoption and usage. You can also leverage a number of reports to make data-driven decisions.
  • Hotel Services, to integrate your preferred Cisco platform with your Hotel’s PMS and provide your staff and guests with a five star experience, from check-in to check-out. Enable room IP phones, wake-up calls, guests’ names, room status, call bills, lock/unlock phones, and much more.
  • Other outstanding new products and profiles: Operator Essentials and Call Analytics Essentials.
  • Simplified offer at the right price with 3 rate plans and High Availability always included.

If buying and consuming our Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite was easy before, now it has really become a piece of cake. Hassle-free, best-in-class UC apps for Customer Service & Call Management, Digital Fax, Call Recording, Voice + Call Analytics, full of benefits & exclusive services, and a team of 100+ happy people ready to assist you whenever you need, always with a smile.

The ultimate milestone. Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite on Cisco GPL S+.

Alright, guys. By now you might be wondering: Bernardo, why are you telling me all this?

Here’s the final answer.

Everything you just read about, Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite with a new, improved offer, is officially available for purchase on Cisco Global Price List Solution + as of 3rd February 2022.

I’m super proud to be the one to communicate this news to you!
This means that, in addition to the existing perpetual licenses and SW subscriptions, Cloud SW Subscriptions (SaaS) options are available on Cisco GPL S+ for all the Imagicle apps empowering the services and experience of Cisco Calling Platforms

Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite lands on Cisco GPL S+. An even easier purchase for customers.

How to make the perfect quote on Cisco GPL S+.

A dedicated webinar is coming! Register now to be the first to know all the details about the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite on Cisco GPL S+.

The Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite will shortly be available for purchase on Cisco GPL S+, with all its happy apps inside: Attendant Console with ACD and IVR services, Call Recording & Voice Analytics to record and analyze your conversations securely, Manager Assistant to improve cooperation and collaboration, Contact Manager to centralize all your directories, Call Analytics to monitor phone traffic, a 100% paperless Digital Fax, and Hotel Services. ​​
Now brace yourself and get ready to dig into some mind-blowing new entries. ​💡

You can never stand still on a Cloud. Manager Assistant, Voice Analytics, Attendant Console for Webex Calling.

It’s the year 2021. Smart & Hybrid Working models are on everybody’s mouth, we’re learning to live with Covid. Markets are giving clear feedback: “Remember the level of performance, integration, flexibility we were asking for last year? Double that.”

So, Imagicle’s engines started running like never before. We picked up trends that needed tangible solutions and put all our efforts into it, giving light to new products and services mainly aimed at turning your customer service into the best user and customer experience you could have.

Imagicle Attendant Console for Webex Calling. The operator console that was missing.

Let’s start with the biggest news of 2021, one that makes us really understand that we are doing something Imagicle.

Leveraging native Webex APIs to control the Webex client or your IP Phone, our Attendant Console for Webex Calling successfully passed the technical review by Cisco! 

This makes Imagicle the only ecosystem partner to offer a flagship Cloud Attendant Console, complete with Advanced Queueing and Auto Attendant services, able to work in mixed environments, and fully compatible with all Cisco platforms: UCMHCS, and Webex Calling, both multi-tenant and dedicated (former UCM Cloud). 

Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite lands on Cisco GPL S+. An even easier purchase for customers.

As you probably heard, Webex Calling’s offer is continuously evolving, and is now declined in 2 flavors that can be mixed & matched for customer convenience: multi-tenant or dedicated, the new offer just added in Webex Calling. Our Imagicle Attendant Console can serve both, even in a mixed scenario (exclusive!), giving you the same service level and seamless experience whatever you choose. An exclusive advantage of the Imagicle solution, enabling mixed environments and migrations.

Give your customer service the right boost.

A webinar that’s completely dedicated to our Attendant Console for Webex Calling, complete with a live demo.

Imagicle Voice Analytics: Get the real value out of your conversations.

There’s no doubt: recording business calls is a crucial need, especially for businesses handling critical information via phone. But what about analyzing those recordings to extract the real value of your conversations?

Imagicle Voice Analytics, which has just arrived in General Availability, is the perfect answer to that question. It’s Imagicle’s brand new artificial intelligence, cloud-native Call Recording add-on that automatically analyses recorded voice calls through content transcription, sentiment analysis, and further insights into every conversation.

Despite Voice Analytics being a Cloud-only service, it works with your On-Prem or Hosted Call Recording as well

Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite lands on Cisco GPL S+. An even easier purchase for customers.

In short, our Imagicle Voice Analytics, Cloud-first but not Cloud-only, is the tool for you if you’re looking to optimize your customer interactions and services with actionable data and data-driven decisions. Plus, soon it will be even more powerful, as our R&D team is working to implement:

  • An intuitive and comprehensive dashboard with sentiment trends, most popular words in a given period of time, and compact, summarized data for a complete overview of your conversations
  • Alarms and notifications to be always updated about any critical situation and be able to respond immediately, prompt agents to move in a different direction, or intervene if a call is going badly

It’s just arrived, and it’s already a best seller: Voice Analytics is perfect to increase customer satisfaction and have a secure, compliant voice recording and analytics. A one way road to your customers’ heart.

Imagicle Manager Assistant: cooperation between Manager and Assistant made easier.

Last, but not least, the new Imagicle Manager Assistant, specifically designed to improve call management and cooperation between Managers and Assistants

You can take care of every aspect of call management delegation from a single screen in an easy, agile, scalable way.

You can set different call behaviors according to whitelistscall forwarding to selected destinations, configurable filters, interface integrated with Webex and Jabber, and much much more.

Assistants are always ready to forward calls to their assigned Manager and, if the Manager’s busy, they will know right away, saving the time needed to check. 

Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite lands on Cisco GPL S+. An even easier purchase for customers.

Optimize your call management. Work stress free.

Want to know more about Manager Assistant? Join this free, dedicated webinar to become a pro!


Time to wrap up here, guys. The news today were merry and plenty, and it’s just the beginning! The big, happy Imagicle team will keep working through thick and thin to make partners and customers happy. Manager Assistant, Voice Analytics, the new Cloud Offer available from Cisco GPL S+ are just the start of a long journey of perfecting our UC apps and giving you the latest, finest technology (including AI/ML services) and doing it easily, in a way that makes your work a stress-free, happy place. But don’t forget to stay tuned, as the big season of 2022 news is just about to start! By the way, don’t miss the upcoming amazing first virtual Imagicle Event! Check below 👇

The Cloud Event of the year 2022, 100% free, 100% virtual.
Stay tuned and don’t miss it!

Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite lands on Cisco GPL S+. An even easier purchase for customers.

If you wish to know more, you can contact us directly.

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