- 29 Luglio, 2020 - 5 ’ read

​​Your favorite UCX Suite is ready to get to the Imagicle Cloud. As a Service.

After the introduction of Microsoft Enterprise Calendar into the Attendant Console, the brand new Imagicle API to lock/unlock company phones and the special offer to replace Cisco Mediasense going EOS with an even upgraded Imagicle Call Recording, here we go with our spearhead: our Imagicle UCX Suite as a Service, ready to streamline your job! Continue reading (and prepare for small final applause!).


There is a lot of rumors about SaaS. But what is it, precisely?
Let’s try to understand it together through this short article, and to take away a new wealth of useful knowledge.
SaaS – Software-As-A-Service is a cloud-based service where, instead of downloading software on your desktop – you can access an application via an internet browser. It is an out of the box service, where I don’t need to manage hosting or updates, I can just use and enjoy!
Did I just say “service”? Yes, exactly!
We started imagining – “why don’t we offer a cloud option for the Application Suite?” The answer was simply: a UCX Suite as a Service.
And what should its key features be?
Well, service stability, latency – the customer’s proximity – to start. And to follow, data security, secure access, scalability of the application.
But let’s get a little more specific.

The big advantages of the UCX Suite aaS.

The SaaS offering is entirely managed by Imagicle. It has the same features of the OnPrem UCX Suite, but it is further enriched in terms of:
  • Availability 
  • Reliability
  • Scalability
  • Security


Cloud is a synonym with fast and agile.
That’s why the main pillars of the UCX Suite aaS are immediate availability and flexibility.
IAS aaS can be made available within hours, being a game changer to enable the Imagicle services to the customers.
And as Software as a Service does not mean the software runs nowhere (grinning face ): we leveraged AWS to make IAS aaS a GLOBAL service, that can be made available in many regions in the world, to take care of latency and customer proximity
To start building our service, we have chosen to offer the UCX Suite aaS mainly in the 3 following regions:
  • Europe: Germany
  • America: Northern California
  • Middle East: Bahrain
… and not only! Based on requests, it can be activated in more than 20 worldwide regions.
​​Your favorite UCX Suite is ready to get to the Imagicle Cloud. As a Service.



IAS aaS has been built with service reliability as a focus.
That’s why has been based on AWS Tier 4 Provider, with redundant computing, storage, and networking resources, able to grant high service reliability.
And with IAS aaS, we not only host the IAS, but we take care of security and updates operations.
And above all, we monitor the applications and guarantee a daily backup. 
In case of problems, our Support Team is ready to help you.


How many times have you had to wait to increase the resources available to the machine? Wait until there are enough hardware resources or even buy new hardware? Well, you can leave all this behind. IAS aaS can be customized and updated as needed!


With the IAS aaS, we treat and process your data. Consequently, security is key to the success and reliability of our solutions, not only in terms of privacy.
    • Customer isolation: each customer will have his private IAS instance with dedicated resources (data isolation).
    • Updates: the IAS is updated to the latest version available, including the latest security fixes
    • Vulnerability assessment: periodic vulnerability scans are performed.
    • Data Protection: we are aligned with regards to the GDPR.
    • IASaas Secure Connection: it is possible to access this dedicated and privately configured environment via a VPN or via Equinix ECX.

​​Your favorite UCX Suite is ready to get to the Imagicle Cloud. As a Service.


Imagicle UCX Suite as a Service. Why you should have one.

As you well know, smart working has become the primary way of working. More and more often, it is necessary to rely on the Cloud because of its versatility, which allows you to access your data, services, and apps worldwide while saving hardware, management, and maintenance costs.
Well, what about the UCX Suite aaS, then?
Remember when you had to wait weeks or months to get your virtual machines available for the UCX Suite before being able to start configuring and using it?
And when the environment it was running on was not reliable and you were not always confident with, with service disruption?
The headaches to plan and manage updates, or when you needed to increase the computing and resources to host more capacity/users…
Not to mention backup! How important is it to have a daily backup of configuration and data? And how many times would you have needed it, but the disk was disconnected or corrupted? 
And how important it is to have elastic, highly reliable storage that takes good care of our backup, or about your recordings and fax?
Dear friend, you are not alone. We too have experienced these problems one by one.
That’s why we have created for you the UCX Suite aaS, with a team dedicated to operate your services and make them immediately available, always usable, reliable and safe, taking away some headaches and giving you some well-deserved peace.
And now a little game as we head towards the end. Find the differences. backhand index pointing down: light skin tone winking face with tongue
​​Your favorite UCX Suite is ready to get to the Imagicle Cloud. As a Service.


Do you still have some questions?
Let’s see if I can read your mind, at least a little bit.
Who can have access to this service? 
Good news, folks! There are no limitations. The service is available for UCM OnPrem customers, Cisco HCS Host, hosted, Cisco UCM Cloud.
How can I get the service? 
1. Imagicle processes the customer order and provide a simple questionnaire to partners and customers.
2. With the above info, Imagicle provides access to partners and customers within 48 hrs (ex: https://acme.imagicle.cloud).
3. Imagicle and partners/customers can configure the applications and Cisco UCM as per customer needs.
4. Enjoy!
Ps. …stay tuned! In the next article on the news of the Summer Release 2020, we will tell you about how we brought the Call Recording capacity to 500 channels on the same server.

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