Stefania Solivardi Stefania Solivardi - 10 Marzo, 2021 - 5 ’ read

Finance: how Imagicle apps turned 3 customers into happy customers.

The finance industry tackles complex challenges including accountability, stringent security requirements, and compliance; mixed with a number of platforms and tools. But don’t worry! Imagicle is here to help you. Today I will tell you the story of 3 happy customers in the finance industry because it's always a matter of happy people, and happiness is only real when shared.
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Call Recording for banking services.

A prominent Saudi Arabian bank, a leader in their region, came to us with a challenge: Cisco Jabber group calls had to be recorded, despite the lockdown and the sudden need for employees to work from home, in order to meet internal policies and regulations.
Plus, the customer needed to have role-based access and get a full audit report of all the activities. 
They had already purchased Imagicle Call Analytics Enterprise, which includes our Phone Lock feature, but it was time to take it one step further.
As my colleague Fawzi told you all some time ago, Imagicle welcomed the smart working challenge with a smile and had just the right thing for them: our Call Recording solution, with 70 channels and high availability, to record every call, automatically or on-demand, in total compliance with GDPR, MiFID II, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS regulations. Visit our compliance page to know more.

Imagicle Call Recording allowed the customer to have: 

1. 100% recorded calls and full audit trail available;
2. 0 functionalities lost and smooth transition of the service from the traditional workplace to smart working;
3. Internal security requirements and client regulations met, thanks to: 
    • the possibility to start/stop and pause/resume recordings to skip sensitive information, such as credit card data, as per PCC-DSS regulation;
    • role-based access, as per GDPR European legislation;
    • administrators with access to Audit Trail to track play, download, and delete users’ activities on each recording, as per MiFID II European directive;
    • AES encrypted recordings, with digital signage to avoid tampering, and more.
Imagicle Call Recording perfectly fits in MRA environments, which allow endpoints such as Cisco Webex or Jabber to run outside of the enterprise network, making the customer’s smart working seamless and smooth.
If your financial organization has tackled these or similar challenges before, Imagicle Call Recording is ready to assist you. Wherever you need it. 
Find out more here!
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Attendant Console, Advanced Queueing, Call Analytics for finance.

A positive user experience for operators and supervisors who answer hundreds of calls a day is vital to any company, especially in the finance world. 
A leading company in banking and financial services with more than 4,200 people in 12 countries contacted us precisely to improve that user experience, and to have a detailed cost management tool on top of their newly installed Cisco solution, replacing their previous legacy PBX
Our Sales Team immediately recognized the Imagicle solution that fit them best: Imagicle Attendant Console with Advanced Queueing and Imagicle Call Analytics for 10,000 ext., which took their cost and call management experience to the next level.
Thanks to the Imagicle Attendant Console, 100% compatible with the new Cisco platform, the customer was able to double the number of handled calls and have 0 misrouted calls, increasing productivity by 85% in an even more secure way than before, thanks to the solution’s enhanced security brought to you by Winter 2021: TLS secure connection is now supported by our Attendant Console and it ensures the privacy and integrity of the information shared through the Attendant Console. A real piece of mind for operators!
Moreover, thanks to Imagicle Call Analytics, the customer obtained detailed reports of every call activity across the offices and a comprehensive report of their telephone expenses, while having their privacy completely protected and being 100% GDPR compliant thanks to role-based access, encryption in access and at rest, configurable data retention and Audit Trail on scheduled reports.
We made our customer very happy, but we didn’t stop there. Winter 2021 brought brand new reports to Imagicle Call Analytics, including detailed Hunt Group reports, about which my colleague Minou wrote an explanatory article. Check it out!
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Digital Fax for asset management.

The last (but not least) happy customer I want to talk to you about today is a world-leading independent financial advisory and asset management firm. Their primary need was to manage their fax efficiently without losing time in checking large amounts of failed faxes. They were looking for an easy solution to send and receive faxes and manage them in the most flexible way possible.
Faxes are legally binding and need to be used in lots of company interactions, especially in finance. In fact, they have stood the test of time and they are still one of the preferred communication tools in the financial sector. Of course, traditional faxing may cause some issues, like lack of paper and toner, reception problems, manual archiving, and so on and so forth. Moreover, traditional faxing doesn’t guarantee any privacy of the data sent and received.
Thanks to Imagicle Digital Fax with HA integrated with Cisco Jabber, Cisco Webex, and Microsoft teams, our happy customer can now send and receive faxes in an easier way while spending about 90% less time handling failed faxes, scanning the ones to send, and archiving the ones received. They managed to implement a reliable and easily scalable fax service with 100% of faxes sent without encountering technical hitches or interruptions, not to mention the dramatic cut in paper costs of about 98%. Maintenance costs encountered a massive reduction (99%), too. Plus, users can now easily access fax management from all devices and with role-based access.
Not only is Imagicle Digital Fax less time consuming, less expensive, and easier to update than traditional fax, it also increases productivity and is 100% compliant with GDPR and HIPAA regulations, thanks to role-based access, flexible data retention, data encryption, and audit trail.
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Phone calls are a key element for any financial business, and we take care of it from A to Z, ensuring simplified management of large call flows, rapid contact retrieval, secure recording and storage, and reports that allow you to optimize resources over time based on data.


Our Attendant Console keeps track of every single call thanks to efficient routing, transfer, and immediate recognition of the caller through to the integration with Contact Manager, the solution that centralizes and synchronizes company directories for quick and easy searches. You won’t miss any important information thanks to our Call Recording, which allows you to record every call, automatically or on-demand, and you’ll be able to keep track of your telephone expenses and phone usage thanks to Call Analytics. Moreover, our Digital Fax reduces the risk of unsecured communications and cuts costs significantly by virtualizing the entire fax system.

In the midst of a pandemic and negative news, I hope these stories inspire you to get to know us better and to become (or keep being!) a happy customer.

P.S.: Don’t forget to check out all the Imagicle solutions that could help you overcome the financial sector’s challenges like a true champion: available On-Prem, Hosted, and today even in the Imagicle Cloud!
One last thing… If you have reached this point, you definitely deserve a prize. Click below to download our Imagicle for Finance datasheet to get an even deeper understanding of how we can make your communications faster, smarter, and easier. It’s free! 
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How about making your institution more efficient, greener, and safer?

Download your free use case and discover the impact of Imagicle UCs on the banking and finance world, including security, centralization of tools and resources’ monitoring even in smart working.

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