- 14 Dicembre, 2020 - 8 ’ read

Call Analytics: boost your Customer Services with Hunt Groups reports.

The new reports for Hunt Groups included in Winter Release 2021.

Disclaimer for the hunting enthusiasts… unfortunately for you, we aren’t talking about it. Today, instead, we’re going to tell you about a new striking feature of our Call Analytics app: Hunt Group Analysis, allowing you to manage calls through a Cisco Answering Group in an extremely efficient way.

As you know, Imagicle Call Analytics is the most advanced solution for analyzing and monitoring telephone traffic for any Cisco Calling Platforms.

Thousands of calls are made every day in any business sector. Thanks to Imagicle Call Analytics, you can monitor all activities in real time through a clear and simple dashboard, totally customizable. By monitoring call flows and phone usage, you can gain call insights by identifying the effective adoption of your devices and getting tracking adoption across the network. Moreover, you can analyze caller journeys, reduce phone abuses and frauds assigning budgets and locking phones, save cash, get compliance reporting, and improve the quality of your service.

Imagicle Call Analytics is available in 2 versions:

  • Standard, for reporting on incoming/outgoing and internal/external calls, useful to analyze the call journey, reduce phone abuses and frauds, provide compliance reports and improve service quality;
  • Enterprise, where the Budget Control and Phone Lock apps enrich the features of the standard version, to have full control over the use of devices and the associated costs.

And since we like to do things in the best possible way, starting from Winter 2021, Imagicle Call Analytics offers you an enhanced Hunt Group reporting to help you get the most out of them and improve caller experience.
I’m Minou, from the Imagicle R&D team, and today I’m going to share with you the wonderful brand-new report section. 🙂 

What is a hunt group and why analyzing it can improve your customer service.

Whether you are a small, medium, or big enterprise, the way you manage communication plays an essential factor in your business’s success. While an efficient Attendant Console solution is vital to simplify and improve incoming call management, there are also innovative and beneficial features that you can leverage to get the best out of your technology, such as managing hunt groups and analyze their behavior to optimize customer service.
What’s a hunt group? Well, to make it short, it is a feature in a phone system that distributes calls from a single phone number to a group of numbers, so that when callers ring your company phone number, the call can be broadcast or rotated through the pool of lines until a free line is found and the caller is connected. If you have a Cisco UCM, you are probably using HG to distribute calls to your extensions.
Now, do you see what I see? Right: while handling a large volume of calls and making sure that important calls get answered, being able to analyze how many calls were handled by which operator, what are the busiest times, how many calls were missed and how many were handled means massive benefits for your business, from an organizational perspective and a professional one. 
But to understand the extent of the benefits, let’s see a little more specifically what the new Imagicle Call Analytics hunt group reports consist of and why you should use them.

Hunt groups for call handling.

As mentioned above, the purpose of the new feature is to monitor the calls that pass through the answering groups configured into Cisco UCM, providing information such as how many calls have been answered by a specific operator and which ones; all this while collecting statistics about the efficiency of these operators.
Imagicle has fulfilled the above requirements and by processing specific CDR fields, usually ignored by similar applications.
We have made available the information related to the Hunt Groups by adding two new fields: the Hunt Group Pilot and the Hunt Group Name
Call Analytics is now able to distinguish Hunt Group calls from regular calls, thanks to the presence or absence of the value of these fields, and it has a fully-dedicated section for this new type of analysis. At the same time, this information has been added as additional information to calls in standard reports. 
Once we recovered these fields, we wondered how to make the most of this new information, and after many hours of brainstorming together with our UX team, we have created four new reports to be included in the new section, paired with eye-catching graphics (but I’ll talk about this in the next section, so no spoiler here!). Keep reading. 

A quick look at the new reports.

As I mentioned before, we attempted to create some reports that, as well as being useful, could be immediately understood and consulted. The four ad hoc reports that I will briefly describe below were born from working side by side with my team and other teams.
BTW, remember that you can also find the new information in the standard reports, available as additional fields in the Call Monitor Group reports. These new fields can not only be viewed but also used to search, filter or group reports. As for the new reports, you’ll find them within a new dedicated section: Hunt Group Analysis!
In this article, we will talk about the function and benefits of 4 types of reports for Hunt Group within our Call Analytics app:
  • Summary 
  • By Extensions
  • Busy Hours
  • Calls Details
Let’s now explore each HG dedicated report.

Hunt Group Summary.

A high-level report, where you can monitor multiple hunt group performances at a glance.
It’s intended to understand the usage of the various lines of Hunt Group by checking the total number of calls handled, missed and answered, average waiting time, average duration and entire duration
Call Analytics: boost your Customer Services with Hunt Groups reports.

Hunt Group By Extensions

You would like to know how your HG agents are performing? Which are your top 20 performing agents in term of number of answered calls or the 20 top agents with the highest average conversation time? With this report you will know.
In fact, this tool focuses on the behavior of the extensions belonging to a Hunt Group. It shows the details of the calls for each Hunt Group and each extension, including those that have not been answered and are therefore not assignable to any extension. The graphs help to have information on each hunt group’s response volume and the average conversation time immediately accessible.
Call Analytics: boost your Customer Services with Hunt Groups reports.
By the way: do you want to know how many calls each operator missed? Well, our Advanced Queueing comes to your aid.

Hunt Group Busy Hours.

It’s time to drill down into the daily trends and improve the quality of your customer service.
By knowing the time range with the highest number of calls you can optimize your service by changing the operators’ availability in the busiest hours or differentiating the call treatment depending on the time of the day (here too, our Advanced Queueing is your ally).

This report provides a way to analyze calls with a particular time-slot analysis to highlight the most critical hours for traffic and unanswered calls. It can be useful for a supervisor to enhance, for instance, the number of operators in relation to the quality of the service. The related information is available on the one hand as the aggregate of calls received by all the Hunt Groups, split into answered and not answered, distributed by time slot and through a tabular report; on the other hand, there is a tabular report, which groups the number of answered and missed calls for each HG within 24 hours, making it possible to compare results by time slot, checking any missed and answered call from every single Hunt Group.

Call Analytics: boost your Customer Services with Hunt Groups reports.
Call Analytics: boost your Customer Services with Hunt Groups reports.

Hunt Group Calls Details.

Once you’ve come this far, you are certainly wondering if you could find a Call List-like report with only the HG calls. Well, the answer is yes!  
The fourth new report is a special call list with a focus on Hunt Group, getting you the most granular, specific details about each call event. Here we can appreciate all the calls passed through any Hunt Group in a given period of time. Apart from that information, you can apply filters on it, export it, plan, and so on. 
Call Analytics: boost your Customer Services with Hunt Groups reports.

How Imagicle can help you improve your customer service (for real!)

As you’ve just seen, the new section offers comprehensive reporting solutions for your call traffic. But how can you make the most out of those reports in order to improve your customer service?
Here’s a little tip on how to take advantage of the reports for this purpose: if you query them properly, you’ll be able to exploit the reports and optimize customer management.
The first step is to understand how your HG operators perform in terms of missed calls and waiting time: the Hunt Group Summary report is perfect for this. In combination, you can use the HG by Extension report to get the same parameters focusing on the agents. 
At this point, you can refine your search: how are the calls distributed along the day? Which is the time slot with the highest number of missed calls? How many calls are made outside working hours? The Hunt Group Busy Hours can help you with that. For example, it could highlight the need for a different management of calls based on the time of the day. 
And what if you want to do an extra step to ensure the success of your customer service?
Our customer service solution, based on Advanced Queueing and Auto Attendant applications comes into play, allowing to simplify and improve incoming calls management, with auto attendant and queues, different treatments and messages depending on the time of the day as well as holidays, advanced distributions algorithms and, of course, powerful monitoring and reporting tools… Check it out here!
With the Imagicle customer service solution, you get the following advantages comparing to a simple solution based on Cisco HG:
Call Analytics: boost your Customer Services with Hunt Groups reports.

All your Hunt Group Calls with no additional cost!

Yes, you got it right. You don’t need to buy additional licenses for HG calls: you can handle as many as you want without any extra cost. You only need to purchase Call Analytics for your UCM users, and you’ll be able to enjoy all the product features, including HG reporting!
Well, ladies and gentlemen. I hope I have given you the idea of the incredible benefit that comes with this new feature.
The new section will allow you to have a 360-degree view on the HG calls and will offer you hints for the best management of your clients and your customer service.
But there’s more. Thanks to an enhancement in the CDR process engine, we are now able to deal with more tricky call cases regarding the HGs, such as a call automatically forwarded to an external number or to another HG for the lack of logged operators, for a time expiration, and so on.  According to the circumstances, those calls are visible on the new section or on the standard ones, depending ìif they are related to a hunt group.
Well, my time is up for today. 
I hope you enjoyed the new Call Analytics section. See you next time!   

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