Alex Guerra
Channel Sales - Pacific
North America

Alex has been in Tech Sales his whole career. He started with humble beginnings 14 years ago as an AT&T store representative selling the first-generation iPhone in Silicon Valley California. He’ll never forget the feeling of stepping on the sales floor for the first time, knowing he was a part of something innovative and special. That very feeling has kept him motivated throughout his career and is still one of his favorite emotions today.

Soon after his start with AT&T, he had his son, and the trajectory of his Sales career took off from there. He’s sold an array of products between hardware and software throughout his tenure and has traveled throughout the country and internationally. What he’s proudest of and grateful for is the amazing people and leaders he had the pleasure of working with along the way.

He’s always lived with the philosophy of working so he can enjoy life, so he has many hobbies and passions. You can find him outside traveling, training soccer with his son, cycling, running, kayaking, or at an outdoor gym. When it is dusk, or he doesn’t feel like melting in the 100-degree Houston heat, he’s often inside exercising his creativity, creating craft cocktails, cooking, or making various coffee concoctions.

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