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Webinaires en direct et à la demande

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Sales Lab

Apprenez à connaître l’offre commerciale dans le détail et restez toujours informé de toutes les fonctionnalités et tendances du marché pour mieux réussir vos ventes de solutions Imagicle et atteindre vos objectifs.

Who it's for
  • Ventes partenaires
  • Ventes revendeurs

Tech Lab

Plongez dans les solutions Imagicle pour les comprendre d’un point de vue technique et obtenez toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour avoir toujours une longueur d’avance et proposer un éventail complet.

Who it's for
  • Préventes
  • Spécialistes partenaires
  • Spécialistes revendeurs
  • Ingénieurs

How to Lab

Pour les utilisateurs finaux et les administrateurs système qui souhaitent tirer le meilleur parti des solutions Imagicle et utiliser tout leur potentiel pour travailler plus rapidement, plus facilement et plus intelligemment.

Who it's for
  • Tout le monde
  • Utilisateurs finaux
  • Administrateurs système

Webinaire en direct : réservez votre place pour les prochains rendez-vous !

  • EN Wed. 16 Apr 11:00 AM CEST RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    Automate conversations seamlessly with Imagicle AI Virtual Agents. (EMEAR)
    Join us for an exclusive webinar and discover how Imagicle AI Virtual Agents can transform customer interactions with fully customizable automation tailored to your needs.
  • EN Wed. 16 Apr 11:00 AM EDT RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    Automate conversations seamlessly with Imagicle AI Virtual Agents. (US)
    Join us for an exclusive webinar and discover how Imagicle AI Virtual Agents can transform customer interactions with fully customizable automation tailored to your needs.
  • IT Wed. 16 Apr 10:00 AM CEST RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    Automatizza le conversazioni con Imagicle AI Virtual Agents.
    Partecipa al nostro webinar esclusivo per scoprire come trasformare le interazioni con i clienti con i Virtual Agents Imagicle, grazie a un’automazione completamente personalizzabile a seconda delle tue esigenze.
  • FR Thu. 17 Apr 10:00 AM CEST RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    Automatise les conversations avec les Imagicle AI Virtual Agents.
    Rejoins-nous pour un webinar exclusif et découvre comment les Imagicle AI Virtual Agents peuvent transformer les interactions avec les clients grâce à une automatisation entièrement personnalisable et adaptée à tes besoins.
  • EN Wed. 21 May 11:30 AM CEST RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    Introducing the brand new Call Recording Interface. (EMEAR)
    Join us for an exclusive webinar unveiling the brand-new Call Recording interface integrated with Screen Recording and AI Voice Analytics.
  • EN Wed. 21 May 11:00 AM CEST RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    Introducing the brand new Call Recording Interface. (US)
    Join us for an exclusive webinar unveiling the brand-new Call Recording interface integrated with Screen Recording and AI Voice Analytics.
  • IT Wed. 21 May 10:00 AM CEST RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    La nuova interfaccia Call Recording.
    Partecipa al nostro webinar esclusivo per scoprire la nuova interfaccia Call Recording integrata con Screen Recording e AI Voice Analytics.
  • FR Thu. 22 May 10:00 AM CEST RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    Voici la nouvelle interface Call Recording.
    Rejoins-nous pour un webinar exclusif pour découvrir la toute nouvelle interface Call Recording intégrée avec Screen Recording et AI Voice Analytics.
  • EN Wed. 11 Jun 11:30 AM CEST RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    AI-Powered Contact Center Solutions for MS Teams. (EMEAR)
    Join us for this exclusive webinar focusing on contact center experience and how it can be elevated with powerful tools for MS Teams.
  • EN Tue. 17 Jun 11:00 AM EDT RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    AI-Powered Contact Center Solutions for MS Teams. (US)
    Join us for this exclusive webinar focusing on contact center experience and how it can be elevated with powerful tools for MS Teams.
  • IT Wed. 11 Jun 10:00 AM CEST RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    Soluzioni Contact Center potenziate dall’AI per MS Teams.
    Unisciti a questo webinar esclusivo dedicato alle soluzioni perfettamente integrate con MS Teams per migliorare il tuo contact center.
  • FR Thu. 12 Jun 10:00 AM CEST RegisterRegister
    WEBINAR - Release
    Solutions de Contact Center basées sur l’IA pour MS Teams.
    Rejoins ce webinar exclusif dédié aux solutions Imagicle parfaitement intégrées à MS Teams pour améliorer ton centre de contact.

À voir absolument.

  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle for Webex Calling Virtual Roadshow
    The must attend event to unlock the full potential of your Webex Calling.

Webinaires à la demande : la formation à portée de main.

  • FR WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    AI Virtual Receptionist amelioré : x2 plus rapide, support en arabe et plus encore.
    Rejoins-nous pour un webinar exclusif présentant les dernières améliorations apportées à Imagicle AI Virtual Receptionist, qui permet aux clients de contacter la personne qu'ils recherchent grâce à des interactions naturelles.
  • IT WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    AI Virtual Receptionist, più efficiente che mai.
    Partecipa al nostro webinar esclusivo per scoprire le ultime innovazioni apportate a Imagicle Virtual Receptionist, lo strumento che mette in contatto i clienti con la persona che stanno cercando attraverso interazioni naturali.
  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Next-level AI Virtual Receptionist: x2 faster, Arabic Support and more. (US)
    Join us for an exclusive webinar showcasing the latest enhancements to the Imagicle AI Virtual Receptionist - connecting customers to the contact they’re looking for through natural interactions.
  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Next-level AI Virtual Receptionist: x2 faster, Arabic Support and more. (EMEAR)
    Join us for an exclusive webinar showcasing the latest enhancements to the Imagicle AI Virtual Receptionist - connecting customers to the contact they’re looking for through natural interactions.
  • FR WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle pour Webex Calling Virtual Roadshow. French session.
    Register to this webinar included in the Summer '24 Release dedicated to Compliance Call Recording for Webex Calling, now complementing Webex native call recording for convenience.
  • IT WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle per Webex Calling Virtual Roadshow. Italian session.
    Register to this webinar included in the Summer '24 Release dedicated to Compliance Call Recording for Webex Calling, now complementing Webex native call recording for convenience.
  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle for Webex Calling Virtual Roadshow. US session.
    Register to this webinar included in the Summer '24 Release dedicated to Compliance Call Recording for Webex Calling, now complementing Webex native call recording for convenience.
  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle for Webex Calling Virtual Roadshow. EMEAR session.
    Register to this webinar included in the Summer '24 Release dedicated to Compliance Call Recording for Webex Calling, now complementing Webex native call recording for convenience.
  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle for Webex Calling Virtual Roadshow
    The must attend event to unlock the full potential of your Webex Calling.
  • IT WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Aggiungi la compliance al Call Recording convenience di Webex Calling Multi-Tenant con Imagicle.
    Registrati al webinar previsto nella Summer '24 Release e dedicato a Compliance Call Recording per Webex Calling, perfetto per completare il call recording nativo di Webex Calling per la convenience.
  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Add compliance to your convenience built-in Webex Calling Multi-Tenant recording with Imagicle.
    Register to this webinar included in the Summer '24 Release dedicated to Compliance Call Recording for Webex Calling, now complementing Webex native call recording for convenience.
  • IT WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Attendant & Agent Console per Microsoft Teams. Ora più performante che mai.
    Registrati a questo webinar incluso nella Summer '24 Release dedicata ad Attendant & Agent Console per Microsoft Teams.
  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Next-gen Attendant & Agent Console for Microsoft Teams.
    Re-watch this webinar included in the Summer '24 Release dedicated to Agent & Attendant Console for Microsoft Teams, now more powerful than ever.
  • IT WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle AI Virtual Receptionist: il gemello digitale dei receptionist umani.
    Registrati a questo webinar dedicato a Imagicle AI Virtual Receptionist, il gemello digitale dei tuoi receptionist umani. Incluso nella Summer Release '24.
  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Meet Imagicle AI Virtual Receptionist, the digital twin of your human receptionists.
    Register to this webinar included in the Summer '24 Release dedicated to Imagicle AI Virtual Receptionist, your human receptionist's digital twin.
  • IT WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle Voice Virtual Agents per il tuo customer service.
    Unisciti al primo webinar della Summer '24 Release, dove presenteremo i nuovi Voice Virtual Agents.
  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle Voice Virtual Agents. Introducing human-like AI in your customer service.
    Join us in this webinar as we showcase the Imagicle Summer Release and the brand new Imagicle Voice Virtual Agents.