50+ reports for your Webex Calling traffic: introducing Call Analytics for Multi-Tenant
If you’re familiar with Imagicle, you know our primary goal is delivering faster, smarter, and easier communications that make customers happy.
That’s why we’ve been working strongly with Cisco to provide a full Suite of Cloud UC solutions for Webex Calling, both Multi-Tenant and Dedicated Instance. The aim is to facilitate migrations to the Cloud while keeping the great user experience and habits customers are used to.
First came the Attendant Console, then Digital Fax and Call Recording with Voice AI followed after, and now it’s Call Analytics’ turn!
The Imagicle solution to monitor and analyze your calls, allocate costs, run reports, and make data-driven decisions was already available for Dedicated Instance. The availability for Multi-Tenant was the last piece that needed to be added.
So, without further ado, let’s see how Call Analytics works and what benefits it brings to your Webex Calling.
Extend the Control Hub built-in reporting tool.
You may be wondering: why should I care about dedicated reporting analytics when the Control Hub offers a built-in tool? Well, there are so many reasons!
Let’s start with the number of reports. While Control Hub offers 7 reports only, with just one dedicated to analyzing telephone traffic composed of a plain list of calls, Call Analytics has 50+ reports grouping data and monitoring costs. You can choose from existing templates or customize them according to your needs, extract them in real time, and schedule them via email.
Moreover, Control Hub reports provide a list of raw data that need a lot of interpretation and prior knowledge of Webex Calling CDRs and data analysis. Well, Imagicle studied the complex matter for you and coded it into Call Analytics, able to provide rich reports with simple and easy to read data.
Moreover, Call Analytics provides a couple of dedicated analyses to address specific business needs:
- Call cost analysis: for each call, according to the configured tariff, Call Analytics analyses costs and groups them by department, group of users, or any other grouping of your choice, allowing you to keep track of telephone budgeting and costs.
- Hunt Group monitoring: if a Webex Calling customer is managing incoming calls through the native Webex Calling Hunt Groups, they’ll likely need to analyze their performance: how many calls do they manage? What’s the missed-to-answer score ratio? What extensions are missing more calls? Well, Imagicle offers 4 exclusive reports to analyze Hunt Group Calls! Providing ready-to-read KPI, charts, and meaningful data like call waiting time, average answering time, count of answered calls as well as missed attempts. An exclusive advantage of the Imagicle solution, since Control Hub doesn’t offer any Hunt Group analysis.
Great usability.
Great features must be accompanied by great usability, and Imagicle Call Analytics is ready to offer it to you!
- Enterprises might need multi-level access to telephone reports because a Marketing Manager might only want to see calls made by the Marketing Team. In contrast, a Director might want to see multiple departments. Or some data may need to be completely hidden from certain users to follow worldwide security regulations. If Control Hub only allows generating reports at organization level – meaning you can only see all the calls that have been made, with no grouping or distinction – Imagicle lets you configure supervisors for different groups of users, grouped by site, department, etc. giving every user the right and optimized visibility.
- Data retention flexibility is another great point for Call Analytics, with a configuration of up to 5 years, allowing users to retrieve and analyze traffic for a larger period and pick up long-term trends.
- The real-time aspect is another significant part, as our native connector makes the latest data available near real-time, allowing an up-to-date picture of what’s happening. Moreover, exporting time is immediate, which brings not only upper speed but also the opportunity to change filters or parameters as many times as needed and easily reexport the reports.
- Last but not least, all reports are schedulable via email, with files directly in your inbox, meaning that it’s not a «Your report is ready!» email that forces you to go back to the portal: you can open the report directly from your email.
In a nutshell, Control Hub offers an analysis tool suitable for users who don’t need an in-depth analysis of traffic, costs, and hunt groups performances. If you’re looking for a more granular analysis covering longer periods of time with advanced filtering, it’s Call Analytics you’re looking for.
How does the integration work?
For any tech people reading this, the integration was developed with a native connector, thanks to a new API allowing to retrieve raw CDRs directly from the Webex Cloud to the Imagicle Cloud.
And there’s more! All Call Analytics functions are available regardless of the PSTN you choose: whether it’s an SBC provided by Service Provider, Cisco PSTN, or others, it doesn’t matter. The Imagicle UCX Suite can always retrieve all CDRs for outgoing and incoming calls, even in hybrid and mixed environments. This means that if a customer wants to migrate from on-prem to Cloud, Call Analytics can analyze telephone traffic and costs even during the migration phase.
A full offer for Webex Calling.
As mentioned before, Call Analytics is just a piece of a complete Suite for Webex Calling: the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, available on Cisco GPL S+ with all the apps inside.
Thanks to Call Analytics and the brand new amazing and exclusive native Call Recording integration for Webex Calling Multi-Tenant, at last, we’ve completed a journey that started a couple of years ago. We can now offer the complete compatibility of all Imagicle UC Apps for all Cisco Cloud Calling Platforms, regardless of the PSTN options chosen by the customer!
And the best part is, Imagicle offers 30-day free trial to test all these apps in your environments. Why don’t you take advantage of it?
Try Call Analytics for Webex Calling Multi-Tenant.
30 days to test the solution in your lab.
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