Imagicle Public Service Announcements
Decommissioning of Basic Authentication for EWS
Basic Authentication for EWS will be decommissioned to access Exchange Online and Office 365.
This impacts on your Imagicle Digital Fax and Attendant Console.
Microsoft announced that in the second half of 2021 (originally planned for October 2020) it will stop supporting and fully decommission the Basic Authentication for EWS to access Exchange Online and Office 365. This means that new or existing apps will not be able to use Basic Authentication when connecting to Exchange Online and Office 365 using EWS.
How these changes will affect my organization?
If you are using Imagicle Digital Fax to send fax via email using EWS (Exchange Web Services) Basic Authentication, you’ll need to change protocol type by the second half of 2021, to avoid your Imagicle Digital Fax STOP sending fax via email on that date.
Moreover, if you are using Imagicle Attendant Console and you have enabled Calendar Integration with Microsoft Office 365 (which is using EWS through Basic Authentication), you’ll need to change Attendant Console clients calendar configuration by the second half of 2021, to avoid your Attendant Console clients to STOP displaying colleagues calendar status as soon as Microsoft dismisses Basic Authentication.
What action do I need to take now?
Nothing to do at moment.
We have planned to enhance EWS by supporting the modern OAuth 2.0 and we expect to release it within the end of April 2021 with the Spring release 2021. After that date, if your ImagicleCare contract is active, you will be able to upgrade and use the new protocol to continue sending faxes via email with our Digital Fax as well as enjoying calendar integration within Attendant Console. If you are not sure of your Imagicle Care contract status, and you want to be assisted in performing the upgrade, please contact us.
We understand changes like this may cause some inconvenience, but we are confident it will ensure you more secure, reliable, and performant experiences.