Winter Release '25

Here's how you get the latest updates.
If you already have an Imagicle account...
Move it to the Cloud
Enhanced security.
Securely connected to your network, i.e. via VPN or Equinix ECX, while leveraging your existing PSTN lines. You can go live immediately.
Always up-to-date.
3 seasonal updates granting access to current capabilities, new features and services with zero downtime. The best choice to get your job done at best.
Private or public.
The UCX Cloud Platform can be deployed with Public or Private models, with different levels of flexibility, several connection models and local availability.
Enhanced security.
Securely connected to your network, i.e. via VPN or Equinix ECX, while leveraging your existing PSTN lines. You can go live immediately.
Always up-to-date.
3 seasonal updates granting access to current capabilities, new features and services with zero downtime. The best choice to get your job done at best.
Private or public.
The UCX Cloud Platform can be deployed with Public or Private models, with different levels of flexibility, several connection models and local availability.