Add compliance to the built-in Webex Calling recording.

Webex Calling features native built-in convenience recording, allowing users to record calls for later review. But what about compliance? Discover how Imagicle Call Recording ensures compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, MiFID II and others, while also allowing for complete interaction analysis.

Why do companies need to record their calls?


Giving employees the option to record a call for later review at their convenience.
In this case, provided by Webex.


Meeting regulatory requirements and adhere to internal protocols.
In this case, provided by Imagicle.


Analysing conversation contents with AI for top quality evaluation.
In this case, provided by Imagicle.

How does Call Recording complete Webex Calling built-in recording with compliance?

Role Based Access

Regulating access to the Call Recording solution based on the roles of individual users and groups within an organization.

Legal Hold

During disputes, specific call recordings may need to be kept longer than usual until the issue is resolved.

Configurable retention policy

Configuring the call policy retention ensures data is kept only as long as necessary for its intended purpose, in accordance with company policies.

Data Security

Guaranteeing the security of data access, archived, and transmitted, and enable a highly reliable architecture.

Audit Trail

Tracking and timestamp any attempt to access, play, download and delete recordings performed by users.

Tampering detection

All locally or externally stored recordings are encrypted with a proprietary digital signature, to avoid data tampering.

Easy access to Search&Play.

Access, review, listen, download, delete recordings from the web portal or directly on the Webex App through the exclusive gadget with search&play.

Unlimited retention in the Cloud.

The Imagicle Cloud offers unlimited storage, catering to all business sizes and compliance needs. Without the need to worry about space in the storage, data retention reaches peak flexibility.

With Screen Recording and Voice Analytics.

Add analysis to convenience and compliance for the complete picture of your interactions. Screen Recording records agents’ desktop activities during calls, while Voice Analytics leverages AI to inform you about script adherence, negative calls, overall performances.

On Webex Contact Center as well.

Call Recording is available for Webex Contact Center as well, with the same user experience offered for Webex Calling. Administrators can activate recording for agents, who in turn can view recordings in real-time during or after calls (with Search&Play) and Pause/Resume directly from the Webex Contact Center Agent Desktop. Supervisors have all under control with an easy and rich dashboard and several reports.
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We'll guide you through the benefits of Call Recording .

Add compliance to convenience with Imagicle.

Recap of Imagicle Call Recording compliance features for Webex Calling.
Search&Play via Web
Search&Play inside Webex App
Role Based Access
Legal Hold
Audit trail
Group Management
Recording filters
Store capacityUnlimited100GB
Configurable retention policyUnlimited360 days

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Call Recording Tech Specs.

All the technical specifications you need to work with Imagicle at best.

Imagicle Call Recording for Webex Calling – Architecture Diagram.


Imagicle Call Recording can be integrated with Webex Calling in two different ways:

  • With WxC’s built-in recorder feature integration, where the actual recordings take place on Webex, and Imagicle retrieves them through APIs, stores them in the Imagicle cloud, and ensures compliance.

  • With native integration, where recordings are directly sent and stored in the Imagicle cloud.



Configuration from Control Hub – How to.

Learn how to configure Imagicle Call Recording in Control Hub with this video tutorial.

Check what requirements you need to satisfy to deploy in production or test in your lab.
Shall we arrange a demo?
We'll guide you through the benefits of Call Recording .

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From the ImagicleBeat blog.

Dedicated webinars.

  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - How to Lab
    Achieving Compliance & Quality with Call & Screen Recording and Voice Analytics (ENG).
    Join the webinar to explore the full potential of Imagicle Call Recording + Screen Recording and Voice Analytics.
  • EN WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Call Recording: global availability for Webex Calling MT – Summer Release ENG
    Imagicle Call Recording is now globally available for your Webex Calling Multi-Tenant.
  • IT WatchWatch
    WEBINAR - Release
    Call Recording: disponibilità globale per Webex Calling Multi-Tenant – Summer Release ITA
    Scopri come Imagicle Call Recording sia ora disponibile in tutto il mondo per Webex Calling Multi-Tenant.

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