A closer look at the heart of Imagicle

  • Tech Specs Blog
    Three more bites to Imagicle’s Design For People process.
    Three more bites to Imagicle’s Design For People process.
    Imagicle UX Greta tells about three steps of the Exploration phase of UX software design for people: Brainstorming & sketches, Wireframing, Prototyping. Discover a reliable and programmatic way to understand the needs, aspirations, and emotional touchpoints of customers and users.
  • Release Blog
    Growing towards performance, scalability, and security.
    Growing towards performance, scalability, and security.
    Discover some of the features we developed in the name of the commitment to go ahead, overcome the crisis and work even better.
  • Release Blog
    Spring Release 2020: Call Analytics top performances and scalability.
    Spring Release 2020: Call Analytics top performances and scalability.
    Discover the tremendous improvement we have made to the Call Accounting solution by optimizing the use of the database and reports.
  • Security Blog
    Secure Software Development Life Cycle.
    Secure Software Development Life Cycle.
    Find out Imagicle first steps for the creation of our personal framework for the development of secure software.
  • People Blog
    Together, fighting COVID-19.
    Together, fighting COVID-19.
    As Imagicle, we feel we can do more than respecting the rules. Discover our solutions for remote work and some of our initiatives: 90-days support service upgrade and 60-days free trial of all our apps.
  • Products Blog
    Spring Release 2020: Call Recording reports.
    Spring Release 2020: Call Recording reports.
    Spring brings you the Call Recording reports! Discover the new feature to check the correct sizing of your system, channels' activities, perform volume analysis and avoid losing the recording of important calls.
  • Products Blog
    Contact Manager: introducing Full-Text Search capability.
    Contact Manager: introducing Full-Text Search capability.
    Discover the full-text search engine: ready to optimize contacts search for the Imagicle directories solution.
  • Support Blog
    Covid-19. You can always count on us!
    Covid-19. You can always count on us!
    Imagicle is committed to keep employees safe, to ensure service to our customers and partners, and to do our part in preventing the spread of the virus. You can count on us.
  • Products Blog
    Imagicle: Smart Working tools to face COVID-19.
    Imagicle: Smart Working tools to face COVID-19.
    Here’s what Imagicle can do to help you work remotely in a comfortable, easy way.
  • People Blog
    Being an Imagicle student.
    Being an Imagicle student.
    My desire was to build solutions that would make people's daily communication easier. Meanwhile, possibly, work in a cutting-edge company where I could apply my computer engineering studies and have fun. Here's how my dream came true within Imagicle.
  • Tech Specs Blog
    6 Key benefits of Open Source Software for Cloud-native development.
    6 Key benefits of Open Source Software for Cloud-native development.
    Open Source or proprietary software? Here are my 6 reasons why making a decision for Open Source software is a good choice in many cases.
  • People Blog
    Entrepreneurship as an employee? That’s Imagicle!
    Entrepreneurship as an employee? That’s Imagicle!
    Can an employee be an entrepreneur? Learn how to use your talent and realize your dreams inside the safety of the company you work for and how this is made possible within Imagicle.
  • Event Blog
    Cisco Live Europe 2020: keynotes and highlights.
    Cisco Live Europe 2020: keynotes and highlights.
    CLEUR 2020: the Imagicle team was at the forefront, among the top tier sponsors of 2020. Here is our feedback on the most important Cisco event in Europe.
  • Event Blog
    Cisco Live Europe 2020, here we come!
    Cisco Live Europe 2020, here we come!
    Getting ready for Cisco Live Europe 2020, a once-a-year opportunity to connect with peers and showcase our faster, smarter and easier Imagicle news!
  • Tech Specs Blog
    3 imagicle steps to designing a strong user experience.
    3 imagicle steps to designing a strong user experience.
    Consistency and ease in the user experience are huge undertakings, but we have embraced them! Find out our three steps to provide relevant and significant experiences to users based on their behavior analysis, improve the way users interact with the apps and thus enhance overall user satisfaction.
  • Products Blog
    Capex vs Opex. Should I buy or should I lease?
    Capex vs Opex. Should I buy or should I lease?
    What is the difference between CapEx and OpEx? Go through the article and find out more.
  • People Blog
    10 years. An Imagicle story.
    10 years. An Imagicle story.
    10 years have passed since Imagicle was born. Yet, every day our solutions become smarter, faster and easier... and that's because we get happier and happier! Together!
  • Products Blog
    A new smart way to produce Imagicle Virtual Appliance.
    A new smart way to produce Imagicle Virtual Appliance.
    Discover Imagicle Virtual Appliance, a fast and convenient way to set up an AppSuite, both for a trial and for a production configuration.
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