Kai Xu Kai Xu - 8 März, 2023 - 3 ’ read

Imagicle Attendant Console for Webex Calling: the operator console you’re looking for.

Imagicle offers a flagship Cloud Attendant Console that fully integrates with Webex Calling, adding even more value to the trusted calling platform. Complete with Advanced Queueing and Auto Attendant services, Imagicle Attendant Console is the solution you need to boost your customer service. Discover how.

Your winning calling duo: Cisco and Imagicle.

Cisco and Imagicle have been partnering for decades to make common customers happier everyday. With the whole Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite listed on Cisco GPL S+, Imagicle offers market-exclusive integrations for all Cisco Calling platforms, with a particular focus on Webex Calling.

A key integration forming part of the Imagicle offer for Webex Calling is the Imagicle Attendant Console, the operator console solution that simplifies and improves the handling of incoming and outgoing calls for all operators, available for Webex Calling as of the end of 2021.

Comprehensive Attendant Console for Webex Calling.

Fully integrated with both Webex Calling multi-tenant and Dedicated Instance, even in hybrid environments, Imagicle Attendant Console is complete with Advanced Queueing and Auto Attendant services and is fully compatible with Webex Calling, able to provide a seamless and complete customer service solution working with the Webex App.

Imagicle Attendant Console for Webex Calling: the operator console you're looking for.

And it doesn’t stop there. Imagicle Attendant Console is also available for UCM, HCS, and Broadworks platforms. An exclusive advantage of the Imagicle solution, enabling mixed environments and easy Cloud migrations without changing the user experience you’re used to.

Why a Cloud Attendant Console?

Cloud calling is at the forefront of the transition from traditional workspaces to digital ones, creating the need for advanced, flexible, secure Cloud solutions. With premises PBXs coming to the end of their life cycle, the need to reduce the time spent by IT staff for provisioning, break-fix, and maintenance, and the requirement to get more predictable costs, it was only natural for Imagicle to work towards providing full integration with Webex Calling, also considering that Cisco is a leader in these market transitions.

But what does this powerful integration allow you to do, exactly?

By integrating your Attendant Console, from your own Webex client you’ll be able to:

  • Make, answer, hold, resume, park & retrieve, transfer (blindly or with consultation), distribute, and hang up calls.
  • Start and control your recordings.
  • Log in and out of queues.
  • Always know who’s calling thanks to Caller ID and set Favorites.
  • Integrate your operator console with your calendars.
  • See the telephony presence and rich presence status from Webex, as well as Jabber and Microsoft Teams, to know your colleagues’ reachability at a glance.
  • Consult the call registry and call back.
  • Leverage the panic button for critical situations.
  • See real-time statistics.
  • Leverage keyboard hotkeys.
  • And much, much more!
Imagicle Attendant Console for Webex Calling: the operator console you're looking for.

Do you want to demo it? Go to Demo Toolbox.

What’s better than a demo to really assess the power of such an integration?

Well, I’m pleased to tell you that you can automatically and easily demo the Imagicle Attendant Console for Webex Calling directly from Demo Toolbox, Cisco’s demo automation tool that saves everyone’s time by providing a ready-to-consume demo of this exciting integration.

But – of course – the Imagicle team will always be available to assist you. So, if you have any questions, please do contact us.

Dare to achieve more.

As stated before, Attendant Console is just piece of a much larger value proposition that Imagicle has for Webex Calling. In fact, Attendant Console is part of the Imagicle UCX Suite, the most complete suite of UC apps and Omnichannel Conversational solutions based on Artificial Intelligence.

Imagicle Attendant Console for Webex Calling: the operator console you're looking for.

Some highlights that add power to the Attendant Console:

  • Imagicle Digital Fax is fully integrated with Webex Calling and directly managed inside the Control Hub to deliver a 100% Cloud-based inbound and outbound fax for both multi-tenant and Dedicated Instance. This makes Imagicle’s the ONLY virtual fax server solution available in Control Hub.
  • Imagicle Call Recording, also available in Control Hub by Q1 2023, and its exclusive Voice Analytics and Screen Recording add-ons to analyze voice content with transcriptions and sentiment analysis and capture agents’ on-screen activities during calls.
  • Imagicle Call Analytics, providing comprehensive Cloud Call Analytics for both Dedicated Instance and, in Q1 2023, also multi-tenant.
  • Automatic user synchronization between Control Hub and your Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, making it easier to keep your user list constantly updated and simplifying deployment. 
  • Webex single sign-on. Use your Webex’s credentials to access the Imagicle apps with increased security and ease of use.
  • All available directly on Cisco GPL S+.


Imagicle Attendant Console, fully Cloud and complete with Advanced Queueing and Auto Attendant, completely integrated with Webex Calling Dedicated Instance and multi-tenant, is the push your customer service needs to be taken to the next level.

Head over to the Cisco Demo Toolbox to see it first-hand, or contact the Imagicle Sales Team for a personalized 1:1 session!

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