Bernardo Federigi Bernardo Federigi - 4 November, 2020 - 5 ’ read

Hello! My name is Imagicle UCX Suite. Nice to meet you.

Don’t you see anything different?

Did you have the chance to take a look at our website in the last days? Have you noticed anything new on the homepage?
… Yes, I know every time someone asks if you have noticed something different you break out into a nervous sweat, but I promise this time it will be pretty easy to understand what I’m talking about smiling face with sunglasses 

A smarter and nicer homepage.

As you will notice as you land on the Imagicle website, we have renewed the design of some key points of Imagicle communication. To welcome you, at the top of the website, there’s a new clear and intuitive menu to help you find all the contents you need as fast as possible. In addition to the elements of the main visual, we have redesigned the icons of our apps, also changing some of their names to make the functionality of each solution even clearer and more direct.

Finally, to further improve the browsing experience on the website, we have created an interactive area constantly updated to keep you informed of the latest news: press releases, blog posts, seasonal software releases, new collaborations, events. But this is much more than a simple, let me say, „maquillage activity“: it’s a matter of strategy, positioning, and communication of our Suite, where the website is „just“ the tip of the iceberg. It is a piece of a long path that crosses all our business activities and which has a single purpose: to make partners and customers happier and happier to have chosen Imagicle to get their job done.

imagicle homepage

Goodbye Imagicle AppSuite. Welcome Imagicle UCX Suite.

Words are important. They convey not only the meaning of what we already are, but also of what we want to be. That’s why we put all our intentions into another significant „narrative“ shift. We said goodbye to our Imagicle ApplicationSuite, which has been with us for ten years, and to its three different versions for Cisco, Cross-Platform, and Skype for Business, to welcome the brand-new Imagicle UCX Suite. Our new suite combines the three previous versions into a single solution that, by its name already, defines the mission of our company: providing unified communications, and provide them all behind a single pane of glass.

…And new Imagicle app names.

Moreover, we have changed the name of 4 of our best-performing apps: 

  • Advanced Directory becomes Contact Manager;
  • Fax Server becomes Digital Fax;
  • Call Accounting becomes Call Analytics;
  • Hotel Pack becomes Hotel Services.
Again, the goal here is to better communicate each app’s value proposition and define its future evolution. But let’s take a closer look.


Hello! My name is Imagicle UCX Suite. Nice to meet you.
Contact Manager
We qualified it for its real function: business contact manager. „Manager“, because it does everything: it aggregates contacts from different sources, centralizes and synchronizes company directories, quick search, and return of the contact you are looking for within a few seconds within Jabber, Webex Teams, Finesse, your beloved Imagicle Attendant Console, and even the mobile app. 
Hello! My name is Imagicle UCX Suite. Nice to meet you.
Call Analytics
Switching the name from Call Accounting to Call Analytics allows better describing the need we can address: by monitoring call flows and phone usage, you can gain call insights by identifying the effective adoption of your devices and tracking adoption across the network. You can analyze the call journey, reduce phone abuses and frauds, assign budgets, and lock phones, thus saving cash; meanwhile, you’ll get compliance reports and improve your service quality.
Hello! My name is Imagicle UCX Suite. Nice to meet you. Digital fax
The fax needed a name that fully tells its potential and describes the new cloud world. The former Fax Server name somehow reminded a piece of hardware that we have definitively got rid of. We are talking about 100% software fax, 100% paperless, delivering faxes directly to each user’s desk via e-mail, web, multifunction printers, Cisco Jabber and mobile, solving the data privacy problem and granting maximum efficiency and productivity.
Hello! My name is Imagicle UCX Suite. Nice to meet you. Hotel Services
It is no longer just a hotel pack: it is the missing piece that provides the hotel services that are missing in the Cisco platforms, while integrating it with customers‘ PMS.
By the way, the rest of our beloved apps – Attendant Console, Advanced Queuing, Auto Attendant and Call Recording – are still there, names included. 😉

Cloud, On-Prem, and Hosted.

The new Imagicle UCX Suite is available in 3 flavors: Cloud, On-Prem, and Hosted.
Or better, it’s available on the Cloud! But if you really can’t do without it, also On-Prem and Hosted 😉

Yes, that’s right! All your beloved Imagicle apps are now available from the Imagicle Cloud through a smart subscription offer combining the power of Imagicle apps with the benefits of the Cloud: a dedicated, secure, and reliable Imagicle Private Instance, securely connected via VPN or Equinix ECX, immediately available for any GEO (as per AWS DC’s) with unlimited scalability. Integrated with your Calling platform on-prem, hosted, or in the Cloud, keeping your existing PSTN lines, three seasonal updates and continuous security updates, daily back-ups with zero downtime, and no IT operational costs. Last but not least, it includes ImagicleCare Gold or Platinum service with the exclusive Proactive Support service.

And if you’re not yet ready for the Cloud, yet, you can get your Imagicle UCX Suite On-Prem or Hosted, taking advantage of the new services – Cloud Licensing, Proactive Support, and upcoming AI/ML services – thanks to the power of Imagicle Cloud connection. 

Hello! My name is Imagicle UCX Suite. Nice to meet you.



Look at Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, also On-Prem and Hosted


Integrated with the things you love.

The Imagicle apps can be easily integrated with the things you already use and love thanks to turnkey integrations with the leading calling platforms like Cisco, Microsoft Teams, Avaya and so on, and pre-built integrations with the tools that you use every day like Office 365, Gmail, Salesforce, Singlewire, Kurmi. And, of course, you can create enterprise-ready applications combing our secure APIs with anything.
Check all the integrations in the new dedicated webpage.

imagicle integrations

Get to know us better.

I think you grasped it, by now: we are a close-knit team and want to get closer and closer to our partners and customers‘ needs. After all, we are talking about the only UCX Suite natively built with the passion of nearly 100 people inside!

Do you want to find out more about our solutions? Book a free demo! And if you prefer to proceed on your own, go ahead with our free trial.

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